" Apavithra Pavithrova,
Sarvavastan Gatopiva,
Yasmareth Poondari Kaksham,
Sabahyabhyantara Suchihe."

'Anyone - whether holy or unholy, whatsoever state he has reached - who meditates upon the lotus eyed lord, becomes sanctified both internally and externally.' This means you are not involved in your own self-emancipation. You're not trying to improve yourself. You're not trying to purify yourself. You just contemplate on what you hold as the highest right now. Whatever is your highest, you just contemplate upon that. Your inner and outer purity will happen naturally. If you try to emancipate yourself, to improve yourself or to purify yourself, the more and more you do it, the more of a mess you will be. You simply contemplate on what you hold as the highest. Maybe God, maybe the Guru, or whatever you hold as the highest. Or just contemplate on the sky; it is enough. Simply be with it, don't project God or anything on it. It is simply smaran. Smaran means remembering or contemplating on the highest. Now, everything changes; inner and outer purity naturally happen. Why temples are not working for people is because they are projecting about God. If they shift from projecting about God to smaran, there will be a tremendous transformation in them.