Vedas are ancient Indian scriptures of revelations (Shruti). Agama Shastra is the scientific study of conducting poojas, homas and other vedic practices. These have a profound effect on the environment and create vibes of peace, joy and brotherhood. Beyond the spiritual depth that Vedas and Agamas bring, they also are poetic, scientific and social treasures to be cherished by all. Their all-inclusive and non-divisive nature are highly relevant in the modern day context. The objectives of Veda Patashaala is :

  • To impart Krishna Yajur Veda under the gurukulam system to identified students
  • To serve as an institution of higher knowledge, encourage and teach Gana patam to persevering students
  • To impart the students with knowledge of Vyakaranam, Dharma sastram that would enable them to follow, clarify and act as torch bearers for the ensuing generations
  • To further facilitate students to progress with higher studies in bashyam of Upanishads, Bhagawad Geetha, and Brahma Sutram thus completing Prasthana Thriyam
  • To equip them with additional knowledge of other languages/working knowledge of mathematics and communication that would enable them to communicate to the external world